Friday, January 9, 2015

Statistics simulations with data pulled from a web page!

This is the post that goes with my presentation Sunday at the  Joint Mathematics Meetings

The other talk I was doing was over simulations for statistics classes.  I discussed the idea of using a data set the students suggested by pulling a data set from a web page and then having the students do various things with the data in the web page.

copies of the slides are here

Handout 1 over the CLT

Handout 2 over CI's

Monday, January 5, 2015

Group Tests for Joint Mathematics Meetings

I am doing two presentations at the Joint Mathematics Meetings this January in San Antonio.  One is on group tests.  The talk is scheduled for Monday January 12th at 10:15 - 12:15 in room 212A of the conference center.  Copies of my slides and the handouts, along with another handout with more examples are below.

PDF copies of the slides

 Handout from the talk_

  More examples of group test questsions